BSF Technical information - Project planning

BSF Technical information - Project planning

Memo noName/downloadFormat
Memo no 501BSF, capacities and minimum beam and column dimensions.PDF
Memo no 502BSF, main dimensions.PDF
Memo no 503BSF, reference levels in design.PDF
Memo no 504BSF, tolerances.PDF
Memo no 505BSF, torsion.PDF
Memo no 506BSF, expansion joints.
Memo no 507BSF, seismic proposal.
Memo no 508BSF connection solution.
Memo no 509BSF, winter conditions fire protection & corrosion.
Memo no 510BSF, marking of the units.
Memo no 551BSF, a short guide to BSF sliding inserts.

BSF Technical information - Assembly

BSF Technical information - Assembly

Memo noName/downloadFormat
Memo no 540BSF, installation on site and sealing of joint.PDF
Memo no 541BSF, plumb position of beams.PDF
Memo no 550BSF, practical advice for units in pairs.
Memo no 552BSF, production.
Drawings block out box BO

Drawings block out box BO

ModelPicture STP DWG 2D IFC
BO 225-300BO225-300.STPBO225-300.DWG2D
BO 450BO450.STPBO450.DWG2D
BO 700BO700.STPBO700.DWG2D