Blomkvartalet, Heimdal

  1. References
  2. Blomkvartalet, Heimdal
445 121926553
In the Blomkvartalet project, we have delivered BWC WB embedded in precast sandwich walls and arrangements of precast concrete balconies at angles. The Blomkvartalet is named after Jan Ditlev Blom, who erected the very first residential and commercial building at Heimdal south of Trondheim in 1859. The concrete facades are pigmented with three shades of terracotta colours.

IC product: BWC WB med vinkler og skråstagfester

Place: Heimdal sentrum

Building year: 2023

Archtect: Sweco Architects

Building contractor: Trym Bolig AS

Main contractor: Trym Bygg og Anlegg AS

Concrete element produce: Overhalla Betongbygg

Engineer: Cowi

Here there are 88 apartments where Trym has set the standard for what constitutes a good home. The parking basement and the first two floors with business areas fill the entire quarter. On top of the commercial section are the residences, with a four-storey building along Heimdalsveien and two three-storey buildings along Anne Ekren's road.

230511 Blomkvrtalet balkonger b1
BWC WB Snittskisse
220821 Blomkvartalet byggeplassbilde4
220821 Blomkvartalet byggeplassbilde3
445 1474207814
445 121926553