Årvoll Omsorgssenter, Alnabru

  1. References
  2. Årvoll Omsorgssenter, Alnabru
Øyvindsvei nr 1b
80 well-adapted apartments with balconies have been moved into Årvoll care centre. Here, the elderly in the district of Bjerke in Oslo can live and live in pleasant surroundings with access to a good view, community and care in a new and modern building.

Balcony connections for retrofitted cantilevered balconies BWC 40-U.

IC product: BWC 40-U

Year of construction: 2018

Architect: MAP Arkitekter

General Contractor: Bundebygg AS

Concrete element: Con-Form AS

Balconies that use Invisible Connections from IC. Here there is no visible attachment, the balconies are mounted on steel swords which are attached to a cast-in steel sleeve.

180827 BWC 40 U montasjebilde Øyvinds vei
2019 01 23 12 22 10
2019 01 23 12 21 45